Scope: Tree removal, driveway and sidewalk removal and replacement, landscaping improvements, lawn rejuvenation.
Note: We did very little of this work ourselves. Leave the hard stuff to the professionals like John at Mainline Builds!
Our house in Fall 2015 First job: Get rid of this monstrous, 80+ year-old silver maple One last selfie with the tree The lift arrives A two-man operation Going over the house to avoid the power lines The lift did some damage to the driveway (all part of the plan!) The canopy was down in about two hours Needless to say, our backyard was unusable for a while Hundreds, if not thousands, of pounds of tree stump The yard looked like a tornado had blown through Removing the last large, above-ground pieces of the stump No more tree! The remnants A close-up of the stump After the stump was ground out Next, we turned to the front of the house and removal of all bushes and shrubbery It then was time to have the front stoop, sidewalk, driveway, and about 75′ of city sidewalk replaced
More photos coming soon!